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Citizenship in Ghana

                       What is Citizenship?

Citizenship simply means membership of a country.

                      Who is a citizen?

A citizen is a person who by birth, registration, adoption or naturalization is a legal member of a country.

                How Citizenship is acquired in Ghana.

Citizenship by birth:

An individual born in Ghana, whose parents are from Ghana or outside the country becomes a citizen of Ghana once he or she is born in Ghana.

Citizenship by law of foundling of place:

Any child below the age of 7 years, found in any part of Ghana is presumed to be a citizen of Ghana.

Citizenship by adoption:

Any child below the age of 16, adopted by a Ghanaian couple or parent becomes a citizen of Ghana even if his or her biological parents are not from country.

Citizenship by registration:

An individual who has stayed in Ghana for about 5 years and can speak one local Ghanaian language can register and become a citizen of Ghana.

          What we must do as good citizens.

1. We must pay our taxes regularly
2. We must be patriotic
3. We must defend our constitution
4. Protect government properties such as schools and telephone boots.
5. Do our work in a productive


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